Trekking - what shoes to choose?
One would like to say that it is certainly comfortable, but it will not help much when choosing the right pair of shoes. In fact, there are many tips that will help you complete a layette for exploring the charming mountain paths. Today we would like to collect them into one meaningful article that will significantly explain the problem of choosing shoes for trekking.

One would like to say that it is certainly comfortable, but it will not help much when choosing the right pair of shoes. In fact, there are many tips that will help you complete a layette for exploring the charming mountain paths and more. Today we would like to collect them into one meaningful article that will significantly explain the problem of choosing shoes for trekking.
In addition, we use online stores more and more often, so we will focus mainly on them. In order to choose shoes well, you should pay attention to what the shoes are made of, as well as to the sole or the length of the upper. You can find all this information on the website and enjoy a quick purchase. But before we do that, we'll consider the three most important features of good trekking shoes.
Shoes resistant to weather conditions and rough trails
This is a very general piece of advice. Durable shoes are primarily one that has been made of a suitable material, most often moisture-resistant, even waterproof. Although it may seem that hiking in our mountains is a piece of cake, sometimes you may find that the road just exceeds us. It started to rain, so it was necessary to stop it and give up further climbing or moving into a more calm area. In this case, the shoes must survive with us even when we walk on boggy, soaked and often slippery ground.
It is worth remembering that each pair of shoes will simply wear out over time. However, you should take care of them as recommended by the manufacturer. Leather, including ecological leather, should be impregnated before the first use, shoes must not be dried on an open fire, e.g. a fire. Let them dry naturally after returning home or overnight.
When choosing a shoe for a difficult and lighter route, you need to look at how the shoes are built. If we are going to foreign peaks where the temperature can be much lower, it is worth choosing strong and insulated shoes. If we are going to the Polish Bieszczady - let's put on light but high trekking shoes.

Low or high?
Let's start with the question - why is the difference in the height of the upper so extremely important? The reason lies in a very simple and practical thing. If we decide to follow a difficult, bumpy route, a high upper will protect our ankle against twisting and other injuries. Lower boots they will be suitable for less bumpy, flatter terrain, where there is no threat from, for example, slippery stones.
High boots will also prove themselves in the fall, when we decide to climb the peaks after the summer. Stable cholera will help us stabilize not only the ankle, but also the metatarsus, heel and ankle joint in both legs. Shoes selected in this way will determine our safety on every mountain trail.
Why does the footwear have to be one size larger?
The few hobbyists who are strongly interested in trekking know about this fact. Most people who want to go hiking in the mountains do not realize that they should buy shoes one size larger. This will provide us with convenience for several reasons. First of all, it is worth remembering that the foot is swelling. In winter, you can put on an additional sock in a good trekking shoe to protect you from the cold. However, the problem may be not only this time of the year - depending on the hiking route and the height at which we climb, we may just get cold and an extra pair of socks will be a godsend.
Good shoes take time to find them, but in the online store you can buy trekking shoes for a teenage or teenage boy in one go child. They are available in a variety of colors and made of a variety of resistant materials. Shoes for an adult, in various sports variants. After all, the comfort and safety of the whole family should come first.