Heel slipping out of the shoe? We have a solution!

We've probably all experienced that frustrating feeling when your heel slips out of your shoe and you're on the verge of a painful fall. Fortunately, you can now breathe a sigh of relief! We have collected in one place the most effective home remedies, thanks to which you can easily deal with this problem and forget about slipping heels once and for all. To work!

Why is my heel slipping out of my shoe?

We've probably all experienced that frustrating feeling when your heel slips out of your shoe and you're on the verge of a painful fall. Not only does this put your safety at risk, but it can also significantly affect your self-confidence. Moreover, shoes with a slipping heel can cause blisters and interfere with the overall mechanics of movement, even resulting in permanent changes to your gait.

Are you wondering why this is happening at all? Perhaps this is due to the wrong size. The extra space in the shoe helps the foot move forward, so the heel can slide freely. Another reason for this may be the improper fit of the shoe to the anatomy of your foot. Probably your shoes are too wide for your feet. Slipping feet in the shoe also occur due to excessive sweating.

If in your footwear collection you have shoes in which you feel this problem, you do not have to part with them. We know effective home remedies thanks to which your feet will stop slipping out of your shoes and you will reach your destination safely. Let's start!

Hair spray

When the heel stubbornly slips out of the shoe, you will need ... hairspray. And it's not because a beautiful updo on the head will distract attention from the slipping foot :-) Spray the bottom of the foot with varnish and wait until it dries. In this way, you will get an additional, sticky layer that will prevent slipping.

Psst! This method is even used by celebrities during galas and red carpet performances!

double-sided tape

Double-sided tape will work in a similar way to hairspray. The use of this method includes Jessica Alba gluing it to the insole in her shoe before slipping her foot in.

However, the grip may decrease as the feet gradually sweat. Also, be careful that the tape does not change its position, as this can cause fingerprints. If you want to be sure that the results obtained will be permanent, you can invest in a double-sided tape for fabrics (so-called upholstery belt).

Baby powder

You can also try baby powder. This method will work when the cause of slipping heels in the shoe is sweat. Talcum will absorb moisture in the blink of an eye, and your feet will finally stop moving uncontrollably. Just sprinkle a little product on the insole before putting on your shoes and you're done. 

If the problem is excessive sweating of the feet, choose shoes made of natural materials. Also, avoid applying moisturizing lotions immediately before putting on shoes and use special antiperspirants available in drugstores or pharmacies.

Heels or cotton wool

In the case of closed shoes that are a bit loose, you can use heel counters and at a small cost prevent the heel from slipping. Glue them to the back of the shoe (on the inside of the upper). Et voila! You can hit the road! Cotton wool will work similarly, with which you can fill the empty space within your fingers.

Non-slip insoles or socks

In shoe stores, there are also non-slip, gel or silicone insoles that will provide you with maximum comfort while walking. This method will pass the test when you are dealing with e.g. sandals on a pin or other shoes in which you cannot use cotton wool or a heel counter. Transparent inserts are practically imperceptible, and most importantly, they work very effectively. 

When you don't have the opportunity to go to the store, you can replace non-slip inserts with ... sanitary inserts. Attention! This method will not work with open shoes, but it will effectively prevent the foot from moving while walking. You can also wear non-slip socks with built-in footwear.

Try a different lacing technique

If your shoes slip when you walk, you may be lacing them too loosely. Try effective lacing techniques that will prevent your foot from slipping inside the shoe and ensure its maximum fit. Tighten the laces the same way as always, then make two loops through which you thread them alternately and tie them as usual. Laces looped in this way will block the possibility of foot movement.

Choose shoes in a different size

If none of the presented methods brought the expected results, perhaps the shoes you have are simply too big. In this situation, it will be a reasonable solution to buy shoes half a size smaller.

Problem solved!

We believe that our tips helped you deal with the problem of heels slipping out of the shoe. Try them now and get rid of the frustrating feeling of your feet moving forward once and for all!