Do it yourself! Impregnation of leather shoes with home methods

Shoe leather is a natural material with a characteristic porous structure of fibers. While this allows you to maintain the breathability on hot days, moisture and autumn blush make this feature a bit problematic. If you want to keep your feet dry, consider impregnating leather shoes. We know reliable home methods!

Looking great for a long time? It is possible!

Impregnating your shoes is one of the easiest ways to properly care for them and keep them looking great for a long time. Wondering what this is all about? It's easy!

Impregnation consists in protecting various materials with special solutions and substances. Impregnating agents serve to change the properties of the material that is subjected to this process and have many applications. Impregnation can be carried out on wood, fabrics, paper, and finally leather, from which, among others, shoes.

Why are leather shoes impregnated?

To understand why leather shoes are impregnated, it is worth taking a closer look at this material. Shoe leather is characterized by a porous structure of fibers that absorb and regulate the amount of sweat. Thanks to this, your feet can breathe freely and you do not have to worry about unpleasant odors. 

Things get a bit more complicated when it gets cold and damp outside, or worse - it starts to rain. After all, leather, as a natural water-loving material, attracts water, and you may have a problem with socks getting wet. 

To prevent this, it is enough to impregnate the shoes. This is one of the easiest ways to prepare your favorite leather shoes for the autumn plush. Read on to find out how it works.

How does impregnation work?

A layer of impregnation agent makes the leather upper of the shoe hydrophobic, i.e. it becomes waterproof. All pores, leaks and holes in the shoe invisible to the naked eye are "clogged" by the impregnating agent, and the water stops seeping through them. The shoe's breathability is not affected in any way.

Best of all, the impregnation of leather shoes brings more benefits! It prevents not only the penetration of moisture, but also the ingress of dirt. As a result, your footwear becomes easier to maintain, the color is retained for longer, and you can enjoy the impeccable durability of your favorite pair of shoes.

Prepare shoes for impregnation

Regardless of whether you rely on dedicated, specialized products for the impregnation of leather shoes or use the homemade method presented in the article, you must prepare your shoes for this process. If you skip this step, the impregnation will not work properly. 

First, completely remove dirt, dust and other debris from shoes. You certainly do not care about preserving the unsightly appearance of your shoes and blocking the effect of the impregnation. Then be patient and wait for your shoes to dry completely. This is the only way to get the best results and enjoy the maximum water resistance of the material.  

A candle and a dryer - a perfect duo

Once your shoes are clean and completely dry, it's time to waterproof. Instead of spending a fortune on waterproofing products, use the products you definitely have at home - a candle and a dryer. To work! 

Wax is one of the most effective shoe impregnations. Choose a classic white candle and rub it hard against the shoe. When you see white residue, it is a sign that you are on the right track. Rub the upper with the candle evenly, making sure that the wax reaches every nook and cranny.

Pay special attention to the seams. Remember that any point where there is any connection is a potential point where water may leak. Press down on the candle so hard that the wax goes deep into the seam and seals it tightly. To make sure your shoes won't leak, apply two coats of wax along the seams.

Then, while keeping a safe distance, use a hair dryer with a warm air that will melt the wax in no time and allow it to be absorbed into the upper.

In this way, your shoes will not only be waterproof, but your skin will also be incredibly shiny! Remember, however, that the wax can wear off over time, so it's a good idea to repeat this process regularly.

Will petroleum jelly be suitable for impregnating shoes?

Vaseline is another product that is found in most households and, according to some, it can be used to impregnate shoes. Our experience shows, however, that doing this can do more harm than good.

It is true that a layer of petroleum jelly can make your shoes waterproof. However, remember that this is a very greasy product that does not absorb perfectly. As a result, your shoes may look unsightly and appear sloppy. Moreover, it can help attract dirt particles to the upper.

To work!

We hope that with our guide you will be able to achieve the desired results and seal your favorite leather shoes. Good luck!